Monday, March 13, 2006

Drizzly Walk

Today I took the route to school and home again with the dogs and my husband. He is home for 44 hours (but who's counting?). When he heard me say there was a group walking a mile a day, 40 miles for 40 days, he joked that we could just get it all done in the first two days. Yes, you tall thru-hiker of the Appalachian Trail, *you* could do that!

By the time we reached the school (thanks to Molly Dog's dawdling before we got off our own block), The Princess had already headed home in the rain. We got home just after she did.

It feels good to be part of a community undertaking this discipline. I am grateful for all of you.


Anonymous said...

my little sister did the Appalachian trail a few years ago - she's so outdoorsy. i don't get her at all. :)

Unknown said...

I managed to make it up a mountain for our wedding, and I have promised to climb it again this summer, so I have a lot of getting in shape to do. It's pretty daunting. I like being out in nature, but I definitely don't get the appeal of walking for months on end, other than seeing it as an escape from real life.