Sunday, April 30, 2006

Sunday Evening Walk

This evening I took a nice walk, the first in many days since the virus and a few days of having a bit of slugdom in me. I forgot to bring my camera with me, and I missed the cat stalking the squirrel, and the more subtle flowering of our late spring. The smell of sweet shrub highlighted the walk as I listened to River of Doubt on my IPod.

The pedometer reported that I walked 1.83 miles, which adds to my measly 3.5 since Easter. Norma puts me to shame!

Total 5.3 miles.


Joanne said...

Glad you are up and about.I wonder if that cat is related to my kit cat terror - "Blue". He stalks anything that moves.

Norma said...

It's good to hear that you're up and around again. I know you'll be catching up.