Tuesday, April 11, 2006

on the move

I walked again today after a few days off. Friday I was travelling home, Saturday and Sunday the weather was too ghastly, and yesterday, I don't know what happened to yesterday.

But today I walked again and it was good - even though the weather is still grim.

I walked to the hospital dropping the dog off at MIL's en route. I had a check up done (BP, cholesterol etc - and they did a ultrasound of my arteries and veins (in neck and arm) to see if there were fatty deposits. There weren't - praise God ! so I walked away feeling pretty good! (grin) - we've been taking part in a cholesterol project since our son was born 16 years ago - and it means that they give routine check ups for the whole family. I'd put on 2kg since last year and could do with losing those and a couple more - but the best news was that my BP was good. if anything a little low 99/55 - but I'd high BP three years ago and so walking the dog and trying to stress less has paid off in more ways than that.

Then I walked home again (about 25 mins) , jumped in the car and went down to the school to sort out admin and pick up tests to correct. I found out that I'll only have one day a week teaching again next year. Not good for the finances, but anyway ...

I had hoped there'd be signs of spring by now - we had snow again yesterday - the wet nasty kind -but it may be April but spring most surely isn't here yet.

For that reason I think 50 in 50 might be a whole lot more fun!

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Glad you are out and walking. Less stress and wlking the dog appear to agree with you. As far as "yesterday", my whole weekend and Monday was that way - I finally got it together at 3:30 in the afternoon. I was outside uncovering the roses.