Thursday, April 20, 2006

Thursday Morning

A little later this morning than yesterday - took time to play with kit cats. The 2 older ones play together and are usually well behaved in all rooms. The little terror needs special attention - and is not afraid of anything.

Then off for my walk.

I do believe the dogwoods and viburnum are starting to blossom out. The wind and rain have been hard on the magnolia, but it is still blooming. As I walk through town, I saw a lovely patch of coral ruflled tulips. That brought to mind some old school lessons - of using the spring tulips to start a few lessons on Holland. Especially in the lower grades, tulips were favorites to draw and color. And then of course the wind mlls and the Dutch clogs.

And I thought to myself - now you are dealing with numbers, what a change! That started me thinking about the plan the Lord has for each of us - what is His plan for me?

With that question still in my mind, I return home to prepare for work.

1 comment:

Annie said...

I see you have a little terror, too!

The dogwoods are so beautiful! I've really enjoyed them this past week.