Monday, April 17, 2006

Late Monday evening

Yesterday I took a long walk for me - 2 miles and took a different path. I can't locate my pedometer ( I know it is around here somewhere), so I drove it and got the 2 mile verification. During that walk which took me around 50 minutes (I did not push myself and walked more leisurely since it was close to 90 and I didn't want to be too sore today since it had been over a week since I last walked). I decided to listen to the book "River of Doubt" which is an historical account of Theodore Roosevelt's journey down the Amazon River. I am always trying to listen to books while I walk and have a hard time holding my interest, but this one is doing pretty good.

I look forward to walking 50 miles during the GREAT 50 days. I need to be realistic and know that I will not be able to every day, but should strive for that. Today I did not get home until late because of meetings and more paperwork after school ended. Then a quick trip to the library to return some books. Came home and did the thing that nipped my walking in the bud. I sat down for a few minutes and that magnet in my body attached itself to the chair.

Like Emily, we are now encountering 90+ degree heat so the walks will need to be later in the day - after school ends, early morning walks might be in order too. School is out in late May and that is sooner than we think!

1 comment:

Joanne said...

First chance to say thanks for pulling this together. Looking forward to the next 46 days.