Tuesday, April 04, 2006


my calves have really ached today. Not sure if it was the swimming, the stairs at the pool yesterday or what - but ouch ouch ouch. I didn't notice much until coffee time - our classes are upstairs today and coming down the stairs I had to hobble.

I did walk to the supermarket (had an icecream!) and back and hallelujah the sun tried to come out for the first time in days.

I've been struggling a bit with my prayers and longing to get home and have solitary walks with the dog and quiet time too. I've been here in Tallinn for two weeks now and have three more days of lectures. I should get home at 10pm on Friday night and am happy about that.

How are you all doing?

1 comment:

Joanne said...

I thought I had posted comment yesterday, must have lost it. I'm really not a good techie when it comes to this stuff. Give a computerized spreadsheet or data base - I'm fine, but this is new to me. I am sure that you are doing fine, but missing home, family, and friends. I have a hard time being away for two nights, let alone two weeks. Hope that you are unlocked and the prayer session went well. I know that God watches over all we do. Need to share a couple of book titles with all - you may already know about them. Will share when I blog tonight. Take care