Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Tuesday and Wednesday Together

Tuesday - Spring took a step backward - cold rain, wind in the A.M. Late night at work , so on the treadmill. I hate this contraption - boring!! I really need to use the step climber instead. Kit kat "Blue" is so fearless - he jumps right on the belt and tries to catch my feet. 15 minutes - I've done about 3/4 mile. That's all folks, I'll be outside tomorrow AM

Wednesday: Still a little chilly. We had a light frost. I don't think the buds and blossoms were affected too much. The trees are still looking good. Walking through town, I see many different lilacs - lavendar blues, lavendar, deep purple, and white. My lilacs are just starting to open - I'll have a look see when I am home tonight.

I am trying to stay focused on my walk today - thinking about work can wait until I arrive at the office.

A longer walk tomorrow, won't stay in bed as long.

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