Monday, April 10, 2006

Monday Easter Week

I walked this morning. The sun was shining bright and just a little breeze. With this being Easter Week, I'm concentrating on what Easter brings to me.

Nothing strikes so close to home as holiday memories of parents, uncles, aunts, and grandparents deceased. Tucked in with those memories is God's promise of what is to come - reminding you that this life you are living now is only a small portion of what you will have in the future.

I also thank the Lord for His Gift of Life to me and all my little pleasures -family, pets, the "wild critters", trees, flowers, creeks, wind, rain, sun, moon, stars........ . This list could go on forever.

A day off today and on Thursday and Friday - much to do at home, so with my walk and thoughts still in my mind, I am off to start my projects.

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