My walks are mostly after work so it will be 4 milers except the days at the gymn when I may be lucky to get 2 miles in outside and 1 on the treadmill during my workout. I need to get started on my treadmill at home in the AM. I'll start that next Wednesday. I'm only in to work one day next week - the remaining days I'm off with yardwork and then getting ready to visit my niece in Minneapolis on the 6th thru the 8th.
Much different weather now - cooler. Today was warm walking. Saw the geese overhead and could smell someone burning leaves. The squirrels are truly gathering the feast for winter. Every once in a while I am able to catch a glimpse of a fish feeding. The canal is really shallow, but somewhat murky and muddy. Still, I have seen quite a few fish top feeding.
I only see the blue heron in the early morning so will be watching for him tomorrow at 6:30AM. Two more days and it will be "October's Bright Blue Weather"!