I am still trying to walk twice a day - but am late getting home after work. Even so I managed to add 18 miles this week. When I hit the 50 mark - I'll set my ticker for new mileage and a change of ticker scenery. As I was walking this evening the neighborhood resident pair of geese flew over and landed for just a few minutes in the half plowed field. Then off they flew. My farmer neighbor is really late in getting his crops in - he usually is done planting by Mother's Day. As I walked down by the canal, I heard a big splash. The fish are again starting to spawn and feed more from the surface, probably mostly carp.
I have managed to shave 5 minutes off each mile - now at a twenty minute mile. That puts me in better shape for the Race for the Cure 5K on June 9. I'll still be using the walking sticks , really like them.
I want to hear more about the walking sticks. I read somewhere people use (cheap) pool cues for walking sticks. Tell me about yours. My family and I have done Race For The Cure a few times. What an experience. So many people and so many stories. Once it took us 10 minutes to even get to the start line after they shot the start gun.....thousands of people! You are doing great! Keep it up!!
You are doing a great job after a difficult winter. Keep it up! I too would like more info on the walking sticks.
Wow - you are doing GREAT - I am very impressed!
Thanks All - Could not do it without reading all the Posts and Comments. Read my Sunday Post for walking stick info.
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