Four Mornings - Four Great Walks
I've been able to walk every morning, a little different turn in my paths each day. It was early summer Sunday and Monday with 90+ temperatures, but with walking early in the morning, it was a little cooler. I have been seeing roses and lovely annuals throughout my walks.
The fish are still jumping and I saw a big snapping turtle in the canal. Little did I know that I would be rescuing a snapping turtle from the road yesterday. That is not part of the walking, but it was such an experience - I had to use the snow shovel to carry him to the brush by the ditch, with him snapping at the snow shovel all the way. And then this morning, there he was on top of a sand embankment by the road. I think he was digging himself into the sand. He was nowhere to be found tonight.
On the walks, the birds are singing so beautifully. As I walked this morning, I thought about the dear brown thrasher who sings at 4AM just outside my window. I wonder if he is the gggggggg.....grandchild of one of our summer boarders from the 1960's. I wake up thanking the Lord for such a lovely alarm ring.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
by the water in Ottawa
just to prove I am up and about in Canada, here's a quick view from the Rideau Canal in Ottawa. We walked miles that day.
Today I walked about a mile and a half. To James' day care and then to the store and back. I bought myself a new top but the trousers I liked looked like a clown on me. They stayed on the shelf.
Yesterday I walked only a very little as the friend I spent the day with is a cancer surviver and not walking well right now cos of a knee injury (prayer appreciated) We did walk a short way in one park by the waterfront in Cornwall, Ontario which was lovely. Then we sat in the shade of a huge tree and prayed together.
Tomorrow I take the train back down towards Toronto so no walking as far as I know. It's been hot here recently so nicest to walk in the early morning or late evening. In Finland it never matters that much!
Today I walked about a mile and a half. To James' day care and then to the store and back. I bought myself a new top but the trousers I liked looked like a clown on me. They stayed on the shelf.
Yesterday I walked only a very little as the friend I spent the day with is a cancer surviver and not walking well right now cos of a knee injury (prayer appreciated) We did walk a short way in one park by the waterfront in Cornwall, Ontario which was lovely. Then we sat in the shade of a huge tree and prayed together.
Tomorrow I take the train back down towards Toronto so no walking as far as I know. It's been hot here recently so nicest to walk in the early morning or late evening. In Finland it never matters that much!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Today I walked in the rain, 2 muddy miles...I walked in between taxi runs... thanks twins...
It is cold and wet and horrible- who truned the calander back??? And my drier has died!
Monday, May 29, 2006
the beach...

I love the beach- I love the sound of the wanes crashing on the shore; I love the sense of being alone at one with the created world and with God at the same time... this shot really caught my imagination yesterday evening- I call it hopefuless
to see more photos from my weekends wanderings follow this link.
walking in Ontario
Friday we walked a lot in Kingston though we did at least take one bus from the day care right passed down town, and then walked all the way home, but in stages. It was a bit of an overcast day, so hoping that the sun there is now will hold until Weds when we'll next go down to the lake front.
Saturday we went to Ganonoque and the thousand islands tour. A short wander around the town before the boat left and then later a walk on a farm. Saw some great hopping frogs and a mallard, but the Canadian goose and her babies had gone off for a swimming / flying lesson. Lots of bugs including a few mosquitoes so we cut this walk a bit short.
Sunday we walked to Alice's church and back. About 25 mins each way.
Today I walked Alice's four year old to the daycare. About a mile (or less) return trip I guess.
Tonight I take the train up to Cornwall, and meet with a friend (Anglican priest) coming back tomorrow evening. I don't think we'll be doing much walking then, more talking over lunch and coffee etc. I'm not a coffee drinker but last week I drank a Tim Horton's French Vanilla capucchino and seriously liked it. The slippery slope I think.
Be blessed
Saturday we went to Ganonoque and the thousand islands tour. A short wander around the town before the boat left and then later a walk on a farm. Saw some great hopping frogs and a mallard, but the Canadian goose and her babies had gone off for a swimming / flying lesson. Lots of bugs including a few mosquitoes so we cut this walk a bit short.
Sunday we walked to Alice's church and back. About 25 mins each way.
Today I walked Alice's four year old to the daycare. About a mile (or less) return trip I guess.
Tonight I take the train up to Cornwall, and meet with a friend (Anglican priest) coming back tomorrow evening. I don't think we'll be doing much walking then, more talking over lunch and coffee etc. I'm not a coffee drinker but last week I drank a Tim Horton's French Vanilla capucchino and seriously liked it. The slippery slope I think.
Be blessed
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Late Saturday Morn
So much for my plans - I'm really procrastinating and did not accomplish as much as I had hoped to yesterday. We have developed a unseasonally hot weekend.
I walked later than usual, so the temp was 88 degrees ( I don't listen to the heat index) and the humidity was up. The southern breeze helped some, but this is the warmest time I have walked this year. The roadside was mowed for the weekend, creating the smell of fresh cut hay. The birdsong was coming from the woods across the road. Along the way, the cattle were in the small pasture. It looked like three calves were playing "King of the Hill" on a mound of dirt.
Down through town there was not much activity and along the canal it was very quiet. Saw lots of dragonflies and some Monarch butterflies flitting along the bank. Even the fish were quiet. Since this is a Holiday weekend, I just took my time and enjoyed this day of summerlike weather.
Back along my road, I stepped up my stride, since I really need to get down to brass tacks with my yardwork.
I walked later than usual, so the temp was 88 degrees ( I don't listen to the heat index) and the humidity was up. The southern breeze helped some, but this is the warmest time I have walked this year. The roadside was mowed for the weekend, creating the smell of fresh cut hay. The birdsong was coming from the woods across the road. Along the way, the cattle were in the small pasture. It looked like three calves were playing "King of the Hill" on a mound of dirt.
Down through town there was not much activity and along the canal it was very quiet. Saw lots of dragonflies and some Monarch butterflies flitting along the bank. Even the fish were quiet. Since this is a Holiday weekend, I just took my time and enjoyed this day of summerlike weather.
Back along my road, I stepped up my stride, since I really need to get down to brass tacks with my yardwork.
A new view for my walks
Friday, May 26, 2006
we walked miles!
We went to Ottawa yesterday. What a lovely town. I do have photos but still haven't figured to get them from my camera /laptop to anyone elses so I can access flickr. So you'll just have to take my word that we had a fabulous day. We walked from the bus-station to the parliament, and did the self-guided walking tour. Fabulous buildings and landscape too.
We had lunch (yummy Indian)in the main pedestrian street (apparently the first in Canada!) and then walked to the Rideau canal (connecting Kingston to Ottawa) and the locks. I have a thing about canals. We even went on a canal holiday for our honeymoon. (grin)
We were in Ottawa for 8 hours and walked almost all the time, as well as to the bus-station and back, so a lot of miles!!! in sunshine and with a grin on my face the whole day. (Oh we found a great Christian bookstore too - and I was so restrained it hurt)
Today I'm back in Kingston and we've walked a fair bit with a brisk 40 minute walk to look forward to after this. I'm in need of a holiday. Yikes! This is my holiday.
Weather a bit rainy today, but the forecast is good for tomorrow. Hope they are right as we're doing a 3 h boat trip to the thousand islands.
pics to come, one of these days!
Be blessed
PS Alice has posted some pics here
We had lunch (yummy Indian)in the main pedestrian street (apparently the first in Canada!) and then walked to the Rideau canal (connecting Kingston to Ottawa) and the locks. I have a thing about canals. We even went on a canal holiday for our honeymoon. (grin)
We were in Ottawa for 8 hours and walked almost all the time, as well as to the bus-station and back, so a lot of miles!!! in sunshine and with a grin on my face the whole day. (Oh we found a great Christian bookstore too - and I was so restrained it hurt)
Today I'm back in Kingston and we've walked a fair bit with a brisk 40 minute walk to look forward to after this. I'm in need of a holiday. Yikes! This is my holiday.
Weather a bit rainy today, but the forecast is good for tomorrow. Hope they are right as we're doing a 3 h boat trip to the thousand islands.
pics to come, one of these days!
Be blessed
PS Alice has posted some pics here
On the Trail
Although I have been absent from the blog, I have been walking most days. Today we had a lovely tramp through the woods at Posh Neighboring Town Nature Preserve. Molly Dog has been sick, but felt perky enough finally for a real walk this morning. Of course she had to lie down in whatever puddle of water she could find to cool off along the way, so we have a dirty dog on our hands. But the walk was worth it! Ladyslippers and lilies of the valley were in evidence. In a muddy spot we found the track of what may have been a moose, since it was awfully large for a deer. The woods smelled wonderful. We took some connector trails that were new to me, and I even felt inspired to do a little running.
This walking has been great. Cathy, thanks again for starting this supportive community.
This walking has been great. Cathy, thanks again for starting this supportive community.
6 Days of Walks
Here I am - catching up again. Walked my usual routes since Sunday. Today added a mile, since I have a long weekend. Spent most of the walks focusing on responsibilities at work, but still enjoyed the scenery. Today, this walk was just for me to enjoy what beauty was all around me.
I must say, the Yellow Rose of Texas rosebush has never been in such bloom. I almost lost it in 1999 when the mowers kept cutting it off and I was too busy to realize what was happening. Salvaged the yellow beauty by covering with boxes for 2 years. Now it is growing full force.
My walk this AM met with a bevy of irises blooming, all colors. In some yards there were the usual purple, yellow, and lavendar. In other yards were rainbow hues of all sizes.
Had to stop and pet my Malamute friend, Moose. He's such a big baby and loves to have is stomach rubbed.
Then down to the canal. Early enough this AM to hear the fish splashing and surfacing for food. I think the Mayflies are out and although they usually aren't found during the day, it is shady enough by the canal for them to still be around in the early morning hours.
Back to the house. Have lots of planting, weeding, and yardwork to accomplish.
I must say, the Yellow Rose of Texas rosebush has never been in such bloom. I almost lost it in 1999 when the mowers kept cutting it off and I was too busy to realize what was happening. Salvaged the yellow beauty by covering with boxes for 2 years. Now it is growing full force.
My walk this AM met with a bevy of irises blooming, all colors. In some yards there were the usual purple, yellow, and lavendar. In other yards were rainbow hues of all sizes.
Had to stop and pet my Malamute friend, Moose. He's such a big baby and loves to have is stomach rubbed.
Then down to the canal. Early enough this AM to hear the fish splashing and surfacing for food. I think the Mayflies are out and although they usually aren't found during the day, it is shady enough by the canal for them to still be around in the early morning hours.
Back to the house. Have lots of planting, weeding, and yardwork to accomplish.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
We're at Lake Erie
under a tornado watch. I got in 2 miles yesterday walking around our condo area. Now we're at our summer home in Lakeside, Oh, which is a gated summer community founded by the Methodists about 130 years ago. I walked around and because of our exceptionally warm Spring, everything is further along.

One of the neighbors is getting a new foundation

This started out as a renovation of a disaster, but I think it fell down and they started over. Same footprint, though. They try to save the 19th c. homes if they can, but because they were summer homes, they weren't well-built.
66 miles and watching the sky.

66 miles and watching the sky.
A break in the storms
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
some great walking
but I can't download the photos. sorry.
Today we walked around my friend's neighbourhood in Kingston, Ontario, walking home via a meadow and seeing baby birds going solo.
Tomorrow we head off to Ottawa for the day with a brisk walk to the bus station in the morning, and then pavement bashing all day. Fun.
Today we walked around my friend's neighbourhood in Kingston, Ontario, walking home via a meadow and seeing baby birds going solo.
Tomorrow we head off to Ottawa for the day with a brisk walk to the bus station in the morning, and then pavement bashing all day. Fun.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
More stormy weather
Greeted by a neighbor
Monday, May 22, 2006
out and about in Canada
Friday. I walked and RAN miles of airline corridors and made my connection in Heathrow, London. What's more my bags did too, but they weren't hot and sweaty when they arrived!
Saturday. I went with Erin (Biscotti Brain) on a walk in a place called Marcy's woods, which lead down to Lake Erie. Fabulous!
Sunday (that's yesterday I think!) we visited Niagara Falls and then walked around a bit (mostly window shopping up and down the main St -so I'm not sure that counts) in Niagara on the Lake. We didn't get out of the car in Niagara as it was drizzling and there was a cold wind howling, but those Falls are amazing. I was here about four years ago now and they ministered to me then, and again now. The power of those Falls is NOTHING compared to God's love.
Some pics coming from Canada soon. (I hope!)
But wanted to drop by and give you all a big ((((hug)))) and say I am walking and I am happy! (grin)
Saturday. I went with Erin (Biscotti Brain) on a walk in a place called Marcy's woods, which lead down to Lake Erie. Fabulous!
Sunday (that's yesterday I think!) we visited Niagara Falls and then walked around a bit (mostly window shopping up and down the main St -so I'm not sure that counts) in Niagara on the Lake. We didn't get out of the car in Niagara as it was drizzling and there was a cold wind howling, but those Falls are amazing. I was here about four years ago now and they ministered to me then, and again now. The power of those Falls is NOTHING compared to God's love.
Some pics coming from Canada soon. (I hope!)
But wanted to drop by and give you all a big ((((hug)))) and say I am walking and I am happy! (grin)
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Pick up sticks
Remember that game? I'm picking up big sticks as I walk the condo grounds. Then I pile them discreetly next to our bushes waiting for the ground crew to show up. Today I got about 3 miles on separate walks. It rained in the morning, but was beautifully sunny by noon. Cookies at the church meeting sort of threw a wrench into the plan, however.
61 miles since Easter.
61 miles since Easter.
2 weeks til Feast of the Pentecost
Two Weeks until the Feast of the Pentecost - and Ordinary Time begins. Any suggestions as to what we will call the blog then and what the goal will be? Who wants to do the Math?
Dismally behind in walking.... I have excuses, but excuses don't cut it.
Off to church now.
Dismally behind in walking.... I have excuses, but excuses don't cut it.
Off to church now.
Wind and rain...

After the beautiful weather last week I have been battling with wind and rain this week. They call the wind that blows from the North sea a lazy wind, because it goes through rather than round you....
I managed a couple of walks in the wind dashing out between storms, not the best weather for enjoying a walk, but the skies were spectacular, I tried to capture the sense of movement in the clouds...
And today more wind and rain and I have a cold, so I'm staying indoors and looking after myself...
Finally to 4
Yesterday I went out 3 different times so I figure I totalled about 4 miles. Sunny but a little cool. I'm taking the book on tape, but not enjoying it much. I never read her vampire books, but I have a feeling her fans will probably not accept this one.
58 miles since Easter
58 miles since Easter
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Early start this morning. I'm hoping the farmer neighbor doesn't mow the side of the road before tomorrow. I'm headed into the office today, but want to dig up a part of the daisy when I get home this evening.
It was great walking weather - cool, but sunny. As I walked down the road, I heard the baby birds rustling in the ditch along the road - frogs, baby rabbits, baby wrens, maybe even meadowlarks. Could not see what was there, grass was so long. Hope all the critters will survive a mowing.
Walking by the canal, I heard a lot of splashing. The bank was pretty steep and without my glasses, I had to wait until the splashing got closer. At first I thought it was beavers. Then I saw some dorsal fins - in my head, I could hear the theme song from "Jaws". There were several rings of splashing. I then thought there were also snakes or eels because I could see a beastie zigzagging in the water. Finally I saw a couple of fish heads. There were at least 6 schools of fish feeding - probably carp. But it did add to the excitement of the walk.
Back home, the iris are starting to bud and will soon be blooming.
This really is truly a lovely way to start the day!
It was great walking weather - cool, but sunny. As I walked down the road, I heard the baby birds rustling in the ditch along the road - frogs, baby rabbits, baby wrens, maybe even meadowlarks. Could not see what was there, grass was so long. Hope all the critters will survive a mowing.
Walking by the canal, I heard a lot of splashing. The bank was pretty steep and without my glasses, I had to wait until the splashing got closer. At first I thought it was beavers. Then I saw some dorsal fins - in my head, I could hear the theme song from "Jaws". There were several rings of splashing. I then thought there were also snakes or eels because I could see a beastie zigzagging in the water. Finally I saw a couple of fish heads. There were at least 6 schools of fish feeding - probably carp. But it did add to the excitement of the walk.
Back home, the iris are starting to bud and will soon be blooming.
This really is truly a lovely way to start the day!
Friday, May 19, 2006
5 days of Walks
Busy week - Monday through Friday:
I walked each day in the early morning - normal route, but plan longer walks this weekend.
Rain has made everything including the weeds grow so fast. Each morning I start out by looking at the wild columbine along the patio.
This morning my "Yellow Rose of Texas" is budding out - it is supposed to bloom first week of June. I walk past my bramble rose bushes, check out the daylilies and the poison ivy. Need to get to that within the next two weeks.
Down the road I see that the corn is doing well - hope that we have a good mix of rain and sun to make that corn grow tall. The dandelions are starting their second batch of blooms and there is a big wild white daisy bush just full of flowers. I think tomorrow, I'll see if I can dig a section up and plant by the roses. I'll have to check to see if the blue cornflowers are along the road.
My walks through town shows me my friend's ice plants are blooming. The canal path is alive with all kinds of "critters" and "birds". Love their songs and chatters.
This week my walks have kept me in tune with my plan of a better life / work balance.
I walked each day in the early morning - normal route, but plan longer walks this weekend.
Rain has made everything including the weeds grow so fast. Each morning I start out by looking at the wild columbine along the patio.
This morning my "Yellow Rose of Texas" is budding out - it is supposed to bloom first week of June. I walk past my bramble rose bushes, check out the daylilies and the poison ivy. Need to get to that within the next two weeks.
Down the road I see that the corn is doing well - hope that we have a good mix of rain and sun to make that corn grow tall. The dandelions are starting their second batch of blooms and there is a big wild white daisy bush just full of flowers. I think tomorrow, I'll see if I can dig a section up and plant by the roses. I'll have to check to see if the blue cornflowers are along the road.
My walks through town shows me my friend's ice plants are blooming. The canal path is alive with all kinds of "critters" and "birds". Love their songs and chatters.
This week my walks have kept me in tune with my plan of a better life / work balance.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Thursday walks
Two walks today with my book on tape--finished about 3 chapters or 2 miles I'm guessing. In one neighborhood I passed a white pick-up truck with the signage, "The Weed Lady," and sure enough it was a woman landscaper/gardener with a male helper.
54 miles since Easter.
54 miles since Easter.
Gardening (yard work)

I haven't walked today, but have dashed our in between storms to weed our garden... last summer it got really neglected due to Chris's stay in hospital, and all the weeds seeded themselves, a bit of rain and warm weather and its a jungle. I have removed bag loads of weeds and grasses, so no walking just digging and weeding and sweeping, decided that two hours of that added up to a mile in kind!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Sunshine peeking through
We've just finished a downpour here in Columbus, but other parts of the day were semi-sunny and warm, so I got in 3 miles in 2 separate walks. I took another audiobook out of the library today hoping to find something good for walks. I've never read an Anne Rice book, but I got her Christ the Lord, read by Josh Heine. PW says the reading is bland, but I think that's OK for walking, don't you? If the weather holds, maybe I'll get it finished before it is due.
52 miles since Easter. Do I have to leave the group or can I keep going?
52 miles since Easter. Do I have to leave the group or can I keep going?
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Three miles today
I slipped outside three different times, and twice actually found some sunshine. The last time after dinner I saw a deer across the ravine watching me. She was lovely, but I could see how easily they can destroy greenery as I watched her eating the tender branches on the small trees. My neighbor's white azalea is still blooming--I think it's been more than 2 weeks.
Now I'm up to 49 miles.
Now I'm up to 49 miles.
Yesterday I walked IN the city.
I had some paperwork (blah!) to do at school so drove there. When I was done I walked o the market square (10 mins max) and had a fine time looking (not buying) and taking picures. Then to Forex to get $ and back through the 'mall'
I can't remember I've done this and while it's hardly fast walking I did walk for the best part of an hour. Stopping at one shop to try on a top, which I didn't buy.
When I got home I had a terrific walk with the dog. About 20 mins. The weather LOOKS warm and sunny but it's been so windy that the real temperature was only about 6C (brrrr!!) I was glad to have my coat on.
Today LOOKS better but I haven't actually been outside. Thanks to the internet though I can tell you
Temperature: 8.2 °C (46.8 °F)
Dew-point: -4.2 °C (24.5 °F)
Relative Humidity: 41 %
Wind: 8.6 m/s from West-Northwest (19.24 mph)
(Wind chill: 2.0 °C 35.6 °F)
Solar Power: 621 W/m² (800-1000 W/m² is a sunny day)
Barometric Pressure: 1016.8 hPa (30.05 inHg)
Total Rainfall today:
(ie since 00:00 GMT) 0.0 mm (0.00 in)
so again COLDER than it looks 2 C!!! Yikes. Glad I looked!)
I had some paperwork (blah!) to do at school so drove there. When I was done I walked o the market square (10 mins max) and had a fine time looking (not buying) and taking picures. Then to Forex to get $ and back through the 'mall'
I can't remember I've done this and while it's hardly fast walking I did walk for the best part of an hour. Stopping at one shop to try on a top, which I didn't buy.
When I got home I had a terrific walk with the dog. About 20 mins. The weather LOOKS warm and sunny but it's been so windy that the real temperature was only about 6C (brrrr!!) I was glad to have my coat on.
Today LOOKS better but I haven't actually been outside. Thanks to the internet though I can tell you
Temperature: 8.2 °C (46.8 °F)
Dew-point: -4.2 °C (24.5 °F)
Relative Humidity: 41 %
Wind: 8.6 m/s from West-Northwest (19.24 mph)
(Wind chill: 2.0 °C 35.6 °F)
Solar Power: 621 W/m² (800-1000 W/m² is a sunny day)
Barometric Pressure: 1016.8 hPa (30.05 inHg)
Total Rainfall today:
(ie since 00:00 GMT) 0.0 mm (0.00 in)
so again COLDER than it looks 2 C!!! Yikes. Glad I looked!)
Monday, May 15, 2006
Brief break in the weather
We've had a system of rain stalled over us, but this morning it was clear sky and sunshine, so I walked from the supermarket to the small specialty store and back to the car. But it was much closer than I'd judged, so when I got home I walked another 10 minutes.
Now I've walked 46 miles since Easter--but the weight isn't budging. Must be the chocolate peanut butter pie recipe I'm perfecting.
Now I've walked 46 miles since Easter--but the weight isn't budging. Must be the chocolate peanut butter pie recipe I'm perfecting.
Same route..

I walked the same route again today, it has been wonderful watching the season unfold, it was warm today even though it was raining, a few poppies have started to come out, they are such beautiful flowers. It is doing my soul good to get out into the fresh air everyday... I am considering it as a spiritual discipline...
down by the river
walked and cycled yesterday (Sunday)
It looks sunny and warm, but it was so windy that the windchill factor brought the temperature down to 4.5C and I froze :(
This pic is taken from the steps of the cathedral towards the river. As you can see spring has come (at last) and very fast at that.
it's weird though the daffodils are just coming (those that survived) and yet the oak trees (usually the last to wake up) also have leaves on them.
This definitely is my fav time of the year.
Walked 2 miles today (to church and back) and then cycled about 3 miles in total.
Not bad at all for a busy Sunday
It looks sunny and warm, but it was so windy that the windchill factor brought the temperature down to 4.5C and I froze :(
This pic is taken from the steps of the cathedral towards the river. As you can see spring has come (at last) and very fast at that.
it's weird though the daffodils are just coming (those that survived) and yet the oak trees (usually the last to wake up) also have leaves on them.
This definitely is my fav time of the year.
Walked 2 miles today (to church and back) and then cycled about 3 miles in total.
Not bad at all for a busy Sunday
Sunday, May 14, 2006
I walked anyway...
Family Weekend
Friday, Saturday and Sunday: Busy days and the weather just was not cooperating for spring. Dreaded treadmill on Friday and this AM. I know I won't melt in the rain but I settled for a mile each morning. Visits with brother - Tom and sister-in-law - Sue (Lincoln, NE) and niece - Kristin (St. Paul, MN). Kristin stayed with me and played with terror kitcat Blue so much, he's been sleeping all day.
Yesterday A.M. there was a break in the rain, so I set off on my ususal route. Just past the driveway, I saw a pair of bluebirds flying back towards my yard. Such a beautiful sight and what a lovely song.
Kept up a good pace. Saw the geese and the ducks - lots of honking and quacking. Not much else to see - must be everyone slept in. At the canal - did another block, then turned around. The weather has been so wet that the grass along the road has not been cut. As I turned into the driveway, I was greeted by about six gold finches flitting from the oak tree to some iris that are just starting to bud.
I'm going to try for a short walk tonight (Sunday) if the weather clears some.
Yesterday A.M. there was a break in the rain, so I set off on my ususal route. Just past the driveway, I saw a pair of bluebirds flying back towards my yard. Such a beautiful sight and what a lovely song.
Kept up a good pace. Saw the geese and the ducks - lots of honking and quacking. Not much else to see - must be everyone slept in. At the canal - did another block, then turned around. The weather has been so wet that the grass along the road has not been cut. As I turned into the driveway, I was greeted by about six gold finches flitting from the oak tree to some iris that are just starting to bud.
I'm going to try for a short walk tonight (Sunday) if the weather clears some.
Walking and cycling

This week has not been too good for covering the miles, so I went mad on Friday with another 10+ mile bike ride and then a walk on the beach both Friday (amazing experience) and Saturday evenings.
Fridays weather was beautiful, hot and sunny, Saturday it was cold and windy but the beach

feeling such a fraud
walking the 40 miles in 40 days in lent was great, but somehow I feel I've failed badly in Pentecost. Ironically the weather's been lovely whereas in lent it was ghastly.
I know I had an op etc etc but still.
Thursday was the last day I walked and I enjoyed it. I also cycled then.
There was no real excuse on Friday. yes I'm immersed in my thesis ... but still ... sigh. Yesterday was 'too windy' What? to walk! Give me a break. (and yes I was stuck rather heavily into my thesis again)
anyway today I'm out and about again. Walking to church in 30 mins time (it's about 1 mile) then mothers' day lunch at MILs and walking home again. I'll (probably) cycle down to the cathedral this afternoon too.
and the good news is that next week I go to Canada. The first weekend involves some walking and the following week a lot more (as my friend doesn't have a car and I won't have a bike)
so watch this space.
Today is a new day and I rejoice :)
I know I had an op etc etc but still.
Thursday was the last day I walked and I enjoyed it. I also cycled then.
There was no real excuse on Friday. yes I'm immersed in my thesis ... but still ... sigh. Yesterday was 'too windy' What? to walk! Give me a break. (and yes I was stuck rather heavily into my thesis again)
anyway today I'm out and about again. Walking to church in 30 mins time (it's about 1 mile) then mothers' day lunch at MILs and walking home again. I'll (probably) cycle down to the cathedral this afternoon too.
and the good news is that next week I go to Canada. The first weekend involves some walking and the following week a lot more (as my friend doesn't have a car and I won't have a bike)
so watch this space.
Today is a new day and I rejoice :)
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Missed a day
We had a potluck last night at our home for one of our pastors and wife who are returning to the mission field, so that and the rainy weather kept me inside and I didn't walk at all. However, I got in two walks today. For the second one I walked through a different condo complex and came home so grateful for ours with the wide open spaces, vistas, creeks and trees. In the morning my shoes picked up a little mud and I had to vacuum a bit--my rugs were probably in shock--twice in one week.
45 miles since Easter.
45 miles since Easter.
Soggy Saturday
When last we met, I had walked in the neighborhood of 21.5 miles since Easter. My work week was horrendously busy. I was away from home for 11 or 12 hours each day, Monday through Thursday, with a break on Wednesday afternoon to go to a baseball game with my daughter's school. We walked home from the stadium, and that was a mile! On Thursday, I squeezed in a walk in the neighborhood with husband and dogs, and that is another mile. Then on Friday, we walked a mile in off-and-on rain at our favorite Nature Preserve, where I did some jogging along with the walking on a trail of about a mile. This puts me at 24.5 miles. We are now at 27 days since Easter, so I am a little behind where I had hoped to be at this point. The torrential rain here today does not suggest I will improve my total in a meaningful way, but we will certainly get out and walk despite the weather. I don't know what the coming week will bring. I will be in Atlanta at the Festival of Homiletics. I'm hoping the hotel has a treadmill or something I can use and try to keep up with the rest of you in my modest way.
Blessings to all our walkers,
P.S. It looks like the hotel has some minimal exercise facilities, so I will try out the treadmill!
Blessings to all our walkers,
P.S. It looks like the hotel has some minimal exercise facilities, so I will try out the treadmill!
Saturday morning
It seems like it has been forever since I have posted. This week has been busy with a performance and school and IEPs (school stuff), a church supper, and RAIN. Today is lovely....LOVELY with a low in the 50s and a high to reach eightyish --- and low humidity - this is MY kind of weather!
Norma is way ahead of the pack unless someone just hasn't posted their total. Mine is dismal at this point, but I promise to make a difference today.
I also have news to post, but won't quite yet. It's exciting!
Norma is way ahead of the pack unless someone just hasn't posted their total. Mine is dismal at this point, but I promise to make a difference today.
I also have news to post, but won't quite yet. It's exciting!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Watching the seasons change...

Walking today and pondering on so many things, I took the camera out and captured some great shots. It has been a glorius day here, no need for a jacket, my first t-shirt day of the year!
I measured my regular route, it is just over 2 miles.
Ohio Spring has returned
Now this is more like it. Gray, rainy, blustery and in the 50s. But yesterday I took two walks (2 miles), and got one mile in today before the rain started. I'm able to walk faster and longer than when I started. Helsinki, here I come. (Our July trip)
43 miles since Easter.
43 miles since Easter.
Thursday Jaunt
Up and at em early today - Cold unMay weather is predicted for later and for the weekend. Before my walk I took down the hanging baskets and wind chimes since there was a wind advisory for this afternoon.
Down the road I start, treated to early morning sounds and to the smell of fresh cut grass. I look over to the field - and I'm seeing the corn sprouting.
We've had some locally heavy rain here that washed away some seed, but this field looks good. Down through town and to the bicycle path,the back home to get ready for work. Some days off through Monday. So I will be digging in the dirt Monday, planting shrubs, roses, and lily bulbs. May eyes are always bigger than my arms, but I wanted to replace what i lost last year. Hopefully this year I will be a better steward to my garden.
Down the road I start, treated to early morning sounds and to the smell of fresh cut grass. I look over to the field - and I'm seeing the corn sprouting.
We've had some locally heavy rain here that washed away some seed, but this field looks good. Down through town and to the bicycle path,the back home to get ready for work. Some days off through Monday. So I will be digging in the dirt Monday, planting shrubs, roses, and lily bulbs. May eyes are always bigger than my arms, but I wanted to replace what i lost last year. Hopefully this year I will be a better steward to my garden.
out and about again
walked the dog at midday, about 40 mins. It was lovely. Spring is well advanced, and we've had what can only be called a miraculous heat wave in early May. I'm loving it.
A little later on I got out my bike and cycled down to the cathedral area (about a mile) and ate ice cream by the river. Cycled home too ofcourse. It's definitely 'being outside weather' and I'm loving it.
A little later on I got out my bike and cycled down to the cathedral area (about a mile) and ate ice cream by the river. Cycled home too ofcourse. It's definitely 'being outside weather' and I'm loving it.
Cambridge walking

I hadn't planned on walking far yesterday due to time constraints but ended up diong so anyway, I needed to be in Cambridge for a lecture it took 1hr 30 mins to get in for what should be a 40 min. journey... then I had to park about a mile away because the town was so busy! It was a great evening for a walk and I felt better for it so I'm not complaining...
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Foggy Wednesday
We had rain last night and with the warmer humid air, I walked out into a sea of fog. It was starting to lift as I crossed the road into town. Very quiet - again too early for activity. I walked a little ways along the canal to see if I could find the geese family nest. No luck.
These last two mornings have me thinking over some work responsibilities, but that is okay. The quietness gives me a chance to plan different approaches to some prickly problems. I am halfway home and now have a Plan A and a Plan B.
As I walked up the front walk, the two older kit cats are sitting in the front window waiting for a pet and a treat. Blue was waiting his turn for a special little run around the houses before I left for work.
These last two mornings have me thinking over some work responsibilities, but that is okay. The quietness gives me a chance to plan different approaches to some prickly problems. I am halfway home and now have a Plan A and a Plan B.
As I walked up the front walk, the two older kit cats are sitting in the front window waiting for a pet and a treat. Blue was waiting his turn for a special little run around the houses before I left for work.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Monday and Tuesday Mornings
It seems I need to take a break at night to write of my day's journey. Then I wouldn't need to be catching up. These last two days have been good walking weather. Yesterday I took my usual route down through town and to the bicycle path. Not very eventful, too early- everyone was half asleep, even the birds. It was very quiet and peaceful, my thoughts went to my work and so I went through the day's schedule and what was needed for the agency's board meeting. So much for life balance.
This morning was cloudy and looking like it would rain any minute. I have many white lilies of the valley out my front door and by the driveway, there are some pink ones. They smell so yummy.
I took another route through town to the Canal. The geese were by the water - have not been able to find a nest, but it must be close by because these two do not venture too far away.
This is a two miler round trip so I head back to get ready for work.
This morning was cloudy and looking like it would rain any minute. I have many white lilies of the valley out my front door and by the driveway, there are some pink ones. They smell so yummy.
I took another route through town to the Canal. The geese were by the water - have not been able to find a nest, but it must be close by because these two do not venture too far away.
This is a two miler round trip so I head back to get ready for work.
Walking the old haunts
I had a hair appointment this morning at 11:30, so I drove to the park in our old neighborhood and walked for about 40 minutes. This is the area where I used to push the babies (now 37 and 38) in the stroller with the rumble seat. In a few weeks the pool will be filled with screaming and happy children. Something new in the park I hadn't seen was a gift from the high school class of 1949 for their 50th of "historic trees." Seedlings are grown from trees in historical areas, like where Abraham Lincoln was born, or a famous battle, and planted elsewhere. I walked around and looked at the markers. It's a nice idea for a class gift.
40 miles since Easter
40 miles since Easter
Evening walk

I threw myself out of the house this evening after a busy day, I just wanted to sit and do nothing but knew the exercise would do me good, I had spent an hour in the garden weeding- and there are still more... the walk was lovely, though the promised sunset just turned into a red ball that disapeared into the mist over the fens.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Monday walk
I walked a mile at the park today with my Planets book on CD. Frankly, it just doesn't set the right mood for walking. I mean, all the gaseous vapors, and hot temperatures, and Greek gods. I think Mozart hits a better pace, so I may return it to the library. Our spring weather continues to hold--I may even get a second walk. Even the school bus drivers who park there and wait, got out and were walking.
If you're over 50, you might enjoy my little story Whistle stop potluck.
38 miles since Easter
If you're over 50, you might enjoy my little story Whistle stop potluck.
38 miles since Easter
spring in Turku
I took some pictures of buds a few days ago but they weren't really in focus. Less than one week later, this is the sycamore tree in our garden. (well a bit of it)
it was + 24C today (mid 70s) in Turku, in Finland in early May.
I'm off to sit in the garden with my book but wanted to share this with you.
I cycled to my meeting rather than walking (was a bit late but still took it easy cos of hte stitches) this evening i'll walk the dog in the cool of the day. Now at 5.30pm it's still +22C
it was + 24C today (mid 70s) in Turku, in Finland in early May.
I'm off to sit in the garden with my book but wanted to share this with you.
I cycled to my meeting rather than walking (was a bit late but still took it easy cos of hte stitches) this evening i'll walk the dog in the cool of the day. Now at 5.30pm it's still +22C
Weekend Walks
We had two lovely walks this weekend, and by "we" I mean I was out with my husband and our dogs. On Saturday morning, we walked about a mile at the Trolley Park, now a quiet and lovely place for a walk. All the buildings are gone, leaving behind a riverside path, some modest hills and an unfortunate view, from one end, of the city's recycling center with its mountains of discarded items. But aside from that last, which is only visible from one small section, it's a very nice place to walk.
Sunday afternoon, we went to Mackworth Island, where the trail of 1.25 miles encircles the island. Molly and Sam have to be on the leash, and this means I sometimes have to jog to keep up with the pace! Good for me, right?
Sunday afternoon, we went to Mackworth Island, where the trail of 1.25 miles encircles the island. Molly and Sam have to be on the leash, and this means I sometimes have to jog to keep up with the pace! Good for me, right?
checking in from Finland
I walked this morning and was back home by 8am. Nothing terribly unusual about that, although it's fair to say that DD usually takes the dog for her early morning walk. Today she overslept so I said I could do it. No problem.
What was unusual was this:
14C before 8am, in early May, in Finland!
Our house is sticky warm even though all the windows are open as well as the patio door. I love it. I was made for this kind of weather (grin)
Walking was lovely too. I walk about 3/4 mile. The birds were singing, the buds aren't tiny any more but opening rapidly and the light was beautiful.
I walk again later today to a meeting at 10am. It's so good to be out and about again! See you later!
What was unusual was this:
Temperature: | 14.2 °C (57.6 °F) |
Dew-point: | 7.0 °C (44.6 °F) |
Relative Humidity: | 62 % |
Wind: | 0.4 m/s from East (0.89 mph) |
(Wind chill: | 14.2 °C 57.6 °F) |
Solar Power: | 291 W/m² (800-1000 W/m² is a sunny day) |
Barometric Pressure: | 1031.2 hPa (30.47 inHg) |
Total Rainfall today: (ie since 00:00 GMT) | 0.0 mm (0.00 in) |
14C before 8am, in early May, in Finland!
Our house is sticky warm even though all the windows are open as well as the patio door. I love it. I was made for this kind of weather (grin)
Walking was lovely too. I walk about 3/4 mile. The birds were singing, the buds aren't tiny any more but opening rapidly and the light was beautiful.
I walk again later today to a meeting at 10am. It's so good to be out and about again! See you later!
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Weekend wanderings

I've been away at a study weekend at All Hallows, Ditchingham, Norfolk with ERMC. it is set in beautiful countryside... I managed a walk on Saturday afternoon.
Why I do the mail run at church
I'm a member of Upper Arlington Lutheran Church which has 3 campuses. Volunteers drive between campuses each work day delivering mail and printed material (print shop is at one location). Here's how I got this job.
One Sunday in 2003 as best I recall, a woman (about 100 lbs overweight) asked me if I'd be the "do-nut person" for the 8:30 service. They are delivered, but someone needs to get them to the coffee machine and do the set-up. "No way," I said. "That's the devil's work." "I agree," she said, "but I knew you are a morning person and just thought. . ." her voice trailed off as her eyes scanned the Narthex for another candidate. So I volunteered to be the Thursday mail courier for the 10 a.m. run between locations. A little late in the day for me, but fewer calories.
2 miles on Friday, 1 on Saturday. 2 chocolate do-nut holes at church this morning. Total: 37 miles since Easter.
One Sunday in 2003 as best I recall, a woman (about 100 lbs overweight) asked me if I'd be the "do-nut person" for the 8:30 service. They are delivered, but someone needs to get them to the coffee machine and do the set-up. "No way," I said. "That's the devil's work." "I agree," she said, "but I knew you are a morning person and just thought. . ." her voice trailed off as her eyes scanned the Narthex for another candidate. So I volunteered to be the Thursday mail courier for the 10 a.m. run between locations. A little late in the day for me, but fewer calories.
2 miles on Friday, 1 on Saturday. 2 chocolate do-nut holes at church this morning. Total: 37 miles since Easter.
Early Sunday Morn
An early morning walk before I start the day. Had to feed outside cats first or I would be leading a procession down the road, like the Pied Piper of Hamlin. New cat here today, exercising his authority with the kittens, but running away as soon as I stepped outside.
The air is still filled with the scent of lilacs and with the Korean lilac blooming later than other lilacs, I should be enjoy for at least one more week.
A faster walk today, trying to get two more blocks in on a regular basis. Miles since Easter - 32.
As I'm walking, I'm planning my week. Company coming next weekend -time for walks and reflections with God, a little gardening so my front porch has some flowers, some cleaning, and of course time for the kit cats. Not to mention work, but I'm off Thursday afternoon and Friday.
Before I know it I'm headed home to prepare for church and in the efternoon some serious digging in the dirt.
The air is still filled with the scent of lilacs and with the Korean lilac blooming later than other lilacs, I should be enjoy for at least one more week.
A faster walk today, trying to get two more blocks in on a regular basis. Miles since Easter - 32.
As I'm walking, I'm planning my week. Company coming next weekend -time for walks and reflections with God, a little gardening so my front porch has some flowers, some cleaning, and of course time for the kit cats. Not to mention work, but I'm off Thursday afternoon and Friday.
Before I know it I'm headed home to prepare for church and in the efternoon some serious digging in the dirt.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
More Glorious Days
Here it is Saturday and again I'm catching up on my writing.
Thursday and Friday were late nights at work, but I knew that was going to happen -- I walked in the early morning. The blossoms this year are still going strong. The dogwoods are gorgeous. I'm seeing and hearing more birdsong. The brown thrasher has yet to find a place for his nest - not sure if he has found a mate.
Saturday - I'm out the door to the brown thrasher's song. I hear the wren to the north. I thought a saw a bluebird, I hope.
As I head into the little town, I see a robin flying with a long piece of yarn. The yarn trailed after him like a banner from a plane.
The little early phlox are staring to bloom. I'm waiting to see the blossoms of the iceplants that wintered over by a friend's mailbox.
I'm just at the Canal and can hear the geese - their nest must be near by.
At my turn around, I stop to visit with a puppy friend and head back to my home.
It is a beautiful day - all my windows are open to let in Spring !
Thursday and Friday were late nights at work, but I knew that was going to happen -- I walked in the early morning. The blossoms this year are still going strong. The dogwoods are gorgeous. I'm seeing and hearing more birdsong. The brown thrasher has yet to find a place for his nest - not sure if he has found a mate.
Saturday - I'm out the door to the brown thrasher's song. I hear the wren to the north. I thought a saw a bluebird, I hope.
As I head into the little town, I see a robin flying with a long piece of yarn. The yarn trailed after him like a banner from a plane.
The little early phlox are staring to bloom. I'm waiting to see the blossoms of the iceplants that wintered over by a friend's mailbox.
I'm just at the Canal and can hear the geese - their nest must be near by.
At my turn around, I stop to visit with a puppy friend and head back to my home.
It is a beautiful day - all my windows are open to let in Spring !
Friday, May 05, 2006
A busy week
At the end of a busy week, I can report that I walked 1 mile on Sunday, 1.5 miles on Thursday and another mile this morning. Tuesday and Wednesday were crazy, and Monday I can't even remember! This puts me at 19.3 miles since Easter. I hope next week will be better. Both my children are in big concerts this week, involving extra rehearsals in the late afternoon, and transporting them played havoc with our schedules. Yes, I know, excuses, excuses.
On the beach- in the sun
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Planets by Dava Sobel
I put this audio-book in the cd player for my walk at the park this morning, and dodged a few rain drops. Forty minutes, so I'm figuring 2 miles, and I think I'll go out this afternoon and try for 3. It's really so much more fun having you ladies to walk with, and no one complains if I'm walking too fast, or stopping to look at things! What an agreeable group.
Afterthought: Sobel gives a nod to the Genesis account of creation and then is off and floundering in the Big Bang. Sigh.
32 miles since Easter
Update: added 2 in the afternoon, 34 miles since Easter
Afterthought: Sobel gives a nod to the Genesis account of creation and then is off and floundering in the Big Bang. Sigh.
32 miles since Easter
Update: added 2 in the afternoon, 34 miles since Easter
hoping to get back into this
at the weekend.
My stitches should have dissolved by then and the weather forecast is good too
today I'll take the dog for a wee wander - prob not a mile though. but prob 30 mins. It's nice to gt out and smell the roses, but I do feel in poor shape and want to walk, walk, walk and briskly at that.
My stitches should have dissolved by then and the weather forecast is good too
today I'll take the dog for a wee wander - prob not a mile though. but prob 30 mins. It's nice to gt out and smell the roses, but I do feel in poor shape and want to walk, walk, walk and briskly at that.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
I'm Playing Catch Up
Monday through Wednesday:
Monday was rainy most of the day, so it was again the treadmill. Short and not so sweet.
Tuesday was much better - out early and enjoying the early morning sights and sounds. When I walked out of my driveway, I saw a tulip plant that decided to show pretty faces again. I think the bulbs have over time buried themselves too deep, so I have a project for later this year - to carefully loosen up the soil all around the flower beds. The birds are having a marvelous time - cardinals, robins, the gold finches, brown thrashers, and so many others. I believe I heard an oriole this morning. I walked down to the Canal and a little ways beyond. I finally totaled up my miles - 24 as of today.
Wednesday - another great morning. Up and out by 6AM. The sun was just popping over the hills and my friend, the brown thrasher was singing from the highest tree across the road. There was a mist rising from the field and I could smell the moist earth. They have cut the grass by the Canal - the water was so peaceful - I heard the geese nearby, but did not see them. This morning is a good morning for walking a fast pace, but I have to cut my walk to 2 miles rather than 3 - need to be to work earlier today.
Monday was rainy most of the day, so it was again the treadmill. Short and not so sweet.
Tuesday was much better - out early and enjoying the early morning sights and sounds. When I walked out of my driveway, I saw a tulip plant that decided to show pretty faces again. I think the bulbs have over time buried themselves too deep, so I have a project for later this year - to carefully loosen up the soil all around the flower beds. The birds are having a marvelous time - cardinals, robins, the gold finches, brown thrashers, and so many others. I believe I heard an oriole this morning. I walked down to the Canal and a little ways beyond. I finally totaled up my miles - 24 as of today.
Wednesday - another great morning. Up and out by 6AM. The sun was just popping over the hills and my friend, the brown thrasher was singing from the highest tree across the road. There was a mist rising from the field and I could smell the moist earth. They have cut the grass by the Canal - the water was so peaceful - I heard the geese nearby, but did not see them. This morning is a good morning for walking a fast pace, but I have to cut my walk to 2 miles rather than 3 - need to be to work earlier today.
Moving towards HOT
The sun is out, but it's a bit overcast, so a 2 mile walk on the condo grounds felt, well, hot today. It's trash pick up day, so I selected a couple of newspapers I missed this week from the neighbors' piles.
30 miles since Easter
30 miles since Easter
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Dodging the rain showers
Now it is May the weather has become typical for April, so I've spent the last few days walking dodging the rain showers. The Norfolk country side is unfolding into spring, leaves unfurling and wildflowers appearing. I've been out with my camera...check out more photos
Can this Spring hold?
Yesterday, May 1, one of our local newspeople said that we'd had 15 days of 70 degree weather in April, and one in the 80s. We can't remember a prettier Spring because the storms never came to smash and scatter the blossoms and petals. Our rains have been at night, and gentle. So, I should stop patting myself on the back for being so faithful to my routine. Last night's book club at Barbara's had everyone on her back deck overlooking a sweeping lawn down to the river that flows though the Clintonville section of Columbus.
I got two walks in yesterday--one about noon, and the other with my husband after supper. The flowering crabs are mostly gone, and we're not too good at identifying plants, but I think they are white dogwoods and azaleas. I got some photos, but haven't downloaded them yet. Now I'm off to vote.

This neighbor is gifted with plants

Leading me away from the babies
26 miles since Easter.
Update: 2 walks today, 30 minutes each. Now 28 miles since Easter.
I got two walks in yesterday--one about noon, and the other with my husband after supper. The flowering crabs are mostly gone, and we're not too good at identifying plants, but I think they are white dogwoods and azaleas. I got some photos, but haven't downloaded them yet. Now I'm off to vote.

26 miles since Easter.
Update: 2 walks today, 30 minutes each. Now 28 miles since Easter.
out and about
Today I walked.
For about 1.5 hours at a very slow pace. I walked down to the university to return some books to the theology faculty library. It was nice to walk but it was too far :(
the weather is lovely and warm and I loved the warmth on my face too.
No photos though. Sorry
For about 1.5 hours at a very slow pace. I walked down to the university to return some books to the theology faculty library. It was nice to walk but it was too far :(
the weather is lovely and warm and I loved the warmth on my face too.
No photos though. Sorry
Monday, May 01, 2006

Dashed out today between showers to do a 2 mile circuit that has become a regular walk. Watching the seasons unfold has become food for my soul and good for my body as I become fitter.
Here are some photos
In between showers

Dashed out today between showers to do a 2 mile circuit that has become a regular walk. Watching the seasons unfold has become food for my soul and good for my body as I become fitter.
Here are some photos
Dodging the showers...

Dashed out today in between showers, a quick circuit of 2 miles around what is becoming a regular route across the fields. I love watching the seasons unfold as I walk day by day, and am beginning to feel the physical benefits of this regular exercise. Food for the soul and body!!
Check out the photos...
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