Where has the year flown - my walks keep me posted on the seasons. The trees are certainly shedding their leaves fast this year - had only a couple of days to enjoy the colors (late for the Quad Cities) before the winds started. This morning's walk included a stop to talk with a neighbor about some changes to make in my yard next to the north field (not now - need time to think about it for retirement years).
Then, on my route back - lost in thought, almost missed seeing our resident doe and buck "leaping" across the cornfield. Such a sight really made my day! Haven't seen the blue heron by the Canal - hope he just headed south. Although I have seen him other years all through November.
Then, on my route back - lost in thought, almost missed seeing our resident doe and buck "leaping" across the cornfield. Such a sight really made my day! Haven't seen the blue heron by the Canal - hope he just headed south. Although I have seen him other years all through November.