Sunday, June 25, 2006

Walking in Thought

Walked in early afternoon, weather was glorious. I really must become a bit more competitive with myself. I have been procrastinating with stepping up the pace in these walks and finishing the planting for 2 weeks. But... for today, I will just take things at my current pace.

I was greeted with many hello barks from one of the many puppy friends I have made on these walks. And around the bend, an orange striped tom cat comes to have his ears scratched. It is just after dinner, so everyone must be resting. I meet some bicyclists on the Canal path. The water is rippling, whether it is from the breeze or the critters underwater - not sure.

I'm now looking at my wild yard - mowers will be here this week. I haven't accomplished much more than 9 days ago. So, will work on one section later this afternoon.

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