Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Riding in the snow and sleet (on the exercycle)

I just rode my bike through beautiful Loch Etive Scotland for about 12 minutes. VITA Digital Productions. We got 4 virtual jog and bike ride DVDs for Christmas. It's 59 minutes, but I'm out of shape, and ate too much for the holidays, so we'll do this in segments. It begins on a roadway with birds chirping and sheep bleating with gorse (yellow) and Blue Bells blooming (late May). I'm not there yet, but the explanation says I'll see the ruins of a stone cottage used in the 1960 movie, Kidnapped. As the sleet and snow hit the window of my office, it's a nice diversion.

1 comment:

Joanne said...

I am Scottish but not tech savy when it comes to virtual. Im looking forward to reading more from your "journey around Scotland"!